Kitchen Countertop Height

When it comes to choosing the right height for your kitchen countertop, there are a few things to consider. First, think about how you use your kitchen and what activities take place there. Do you do a lot of cooking? Baking? Food prep? Or is your kitchen more of a gathering space for family and friends? Once you have an idea of how you use your kitchen, you can start to narrow down your choices.

What is the standard countertop height?

There are three main countertop heights: standard, raised and lowered.

The standard countertop height

The standard countertop height is 36 inches (91.4 cm) from the floor to the top of the counter. This allows for plenty of workspaces and prevents you from having to stoop uncomfortably or stand on your tiptoes. It also leaves plenty of room underneath for storage, so you can keep all your pots, pans, and other cooking essentials within easy reach.

But it’s not just about comfort; it’s also about safety. Having a properly sized countertop helps prevent accidents in the kitchen by making sure everything is within reach. It also eliminates the need for stepstools or other dangerous climbing devices. So if you’re planning a kitchen remodel, be sure to give some thought to countertop height.

Raised countertops

Raised countertops are typically 42 inches (106.7 cm) from the floor to the top of the counter, which is a comfortable height for most people to use without having to stoop or reach too high. This also makes it easy to keep counters clean and clear of clutter.

In addition to comfort, raised countertops can also help prevent accidents in the kitchen. For example, if food or cookware is accidentally dropped on the floor, it is less likely to break or cause injury if it falls from a raised countertop than if it falls from a lower one. Raised countertops can also make it easier to see what you’re cooking, which can help prevent accidental burns or other injuries.

Lowered countertops

Lowered countertops are 30 inches (76.2 cm) from the floor to the top of the counter. They are often used in commercial kitchens because they allow chefs to work comfortably and safely.

In a home kitchen, lower countertops can be used to create a comfortable working space for people of all heights. They can also be used to create a safe space for young children and pets.

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How to Choose the Right Kitchen Countertop Height?

When it comes to choosing the right height for your kitchen countertop, there are a few things to consider.

Think about how you use your kitchen and what tasks you perform most often.

If you’re planning a kitchen remodel, one of the most important things to consider is countertop height. Not only is it a major design element, but the height of your counters can also affect the comfort and safety of everyone who uses the kitchen.

The standard countertop height is 36 inches, but if you’re taller or shorter than average, you may want to consider adjusting the height to better suit your needs. For example, if you’re tall, you may find that raised counters are more comfortable and easier to use. And if you have young children in the kitchen, lower counters can help them reach what they need without having to stand on tiptoes or use a stool.

No matter what your height, be sure to test out different counter heights in your planning process so you can find the right fit for your new kitchen.

The height of your kitchen cabinets:

Another thing to keep in mind when choosing a kitchen countertop is the height of your cabinets. The standard height for kitchen cabinets is 30 inches, but some people prefer 36-inch cabinets for extra storage space. If you have tall family members or friends, you might want to consider 42-inch cabinets. Keep in mind that the taller the cabinet, the harder it is to reach items on the top shelf.


Taller countertops can be more comfortable to work at for taller people, while shorter countertops may be better suited for smaller individuals or those who plan to do a lot of sitting at the kitchen island. Additionally, taller countertops may require less bending and stooping, which can be beneficial for those with back pain.


Higher countertops can help prevent accidental falls, while lower countertops may make it easier to reach items stored on them. If you have small children in the home, you may want to opt for lower countertops to help prevent them from climbing up and injuring themselves. Ultimately, the best height for your kitchen counters will depend on your individual needs and preferences.

How to Measure for a New Kitchen Countertop?

When it comes to comfort and safety in the kitchen, countertop height is important. Here’s how to measure for a new kitchen countertop:

First, consider the people who will be using the countertop. If you’re tall, you might want a higher countertop so you don’t have to stoop when cooking. If you have young children, a lower counter might be safer for them.

Next, take some measurements. Use a tape measure to find out the height of your current countertop and write it down. Then measure the distance from the floor to where your hands comfortably fall when you’re standing at the counter – this is your ideal counter height.

Now you have all the information you need to order a new kitchen countertop that’s comfortable and safe for everyone in your family.

How to Adjust Your Kitchen Countertop Height?

If you’re not comfortable with the height of your kitchen countertops, there are a few things you can do to adjust them. For example, if you find that you’re constantly stooping over to use the counter, you can try raising the height by adding new legs or supports.

You can also adjust the height of your countertops by changing out the existing ones for taller versions. This is a more drastic measure, but it can make a big difference in terms of comfort and safety.

Finally, keep in mind that the height of your countertops is something that you can experiment with over time. If one height doesn’t feel quite right, don’t be afraid to try another until you find the perfect fit.


When choosing the right kitchen countertop height, you should consider the following: your own height and comfort, the height of any appliances you will be using, and the overall design of your kitchen. With a little bit of planning, you can find the perfect countertop height for your needs.

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